Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Dewar ladies:)

It's been a very very very very long time since I wrote last but now that my girls are bigger it may get easier for me.
Both girls are one now! Izzy turned 1 on January 2nd...can't believe it's been a year! Kayla will be 2 in about 3 weeks..that's crazy. They are best friends....Izzy is walking now so easier to keep up with Kayla:) Their favorite activity is the Zoomazium....a huge indoor area with all sorts of things to climb on and slides...and then the animals at the zoo afterwards. The first year was tough but 2010 feels so much easier so far! Both girls sleep great...about 11-13 hour a night as well as taking naps ...both at 1130 for 2-3 hours daily.
Everything is going well and no new babies on the horizon:) Thinking maybe to start trying for baby #3..and the last one:).....summertime of 2011ish...but we'll see!
Just signed up Kayla for Pre-school....Monkey Business Pre-school! So cute and very that's nice. Starts in Sept of 2010....2 days a week to start. Should be interesting!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Growing too fast!

Haven't posted in awhile ...but between watching the girls, Facebook and email...and cleaning sometimes...not alot of time:) Kayla is now 15 months in a week! Can not believe that...she is growing way too's kinda she gets older so do Izzy is 4 and half months now...that is crazy as well!!! Rolling over all the time....eating solids now and sleeping 7pm to 7am...and wakes either once during the night to eat or sometimes not at all!! Kayla is sleeping 8pm to 7am or later....great little sleeps we have!! I feel great...running every other's great to feel good again...not pregnant! I have to exercise to keep up with Kayla...she is running all over the place...and a few more months and Izzy will be crawling all over! Middle of May...two weeks and Scott and I are going to San Francisco...Napa too...with his brother Mark and Laura for 4 well as go to the wedding of one if his best friends the night before San Fran in Seattle. Then just a fun summer with the girls...going to try and make it to Ocean Shores for a weekend. Doctor appts this month so I'll let you know how those go...never fun.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kayla is all better:)

Finally the 4 molars all seem to be in! Kayla is back to normal:) Scott has been in Portland all weekend for a friends wedding but will back in a few hours! Very excited!! My sister Stacie stayed with me all weekend..since Friday morning...I'm sure she's excited that Scott is coming home too!! Isabella is perfect...honestly. She goes down nightly at 8pm...then sleeps straight til 3 or 4am now and then eats and then back down til 7 or 8am! She is only 8 weeks so this is amazing. I did not have this kind of luck with Kayla. Also, excited for the bachelor Monday night...really want him to pick Molly...don't think Melissa is ready to be a mom. No Desperate Housewives tonight so that's sad.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I don't like teething!

Poor Kayla went to the doctor yesterday b/c she is miserable! She is getting her fourth molar and it's awful. The doctor said it's all red and infected! Tylenol is all she can have. She sleeps all the time and won't eat. Just lays on the sad. Can't even crawl...she trips over her arms and then just lays there and cries. I just hold her as much as I can....when Isabella is sleeping which luckily is alot:) Hopefully the molar is in soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

My day with 2 little girls!

Kayla just turned a year and Isabella is almost 2 months old! I can't believe how quickly they grow or what it's like to go to the bathroom alone:) I will post pictures whenever I can..however, I am usually pretty busy. A typical day starts with me in the shower and then making a latte...and then that's the last of my alone time. Scott goes to work and then it's really just a blur:) I usually have to remind myself about 26 times that I need to go to the bathroom and usually about 5 or 6pm when Scott gets home...I go:) Kayla is a handful right now due to getting her 1 year molars...3 of the 4 are just a little longer! Isabella is an angel....she sleeps and eats ...and continues this all day. Nights are not bad. Kayla would wake every 3 or 4 hours at this age. Isabella goes down between 8 and 9pm and then wakes between 3:30 or 5:30am....lately it's 4am...then she eats and sleeps til 7am. Not bad:) She is growing so fast! Scott goes this weekend to a friends wedding in Portland so my sister will be here with me to make sure I don't go crazy:)